An angle grinder is a versatile tool that can easily cut bars, rods, tiles, and concrete, restore cutting edges, and clean metal. However, the strange thing is that its owners rarely use it to its full capabilities. Why so? Simply because they often do not know much about Angle Grinder Attachments that can turn their simple angle grinder into a multi-purpose machine. If your lack of awareness has kept your super equipment in slumber for long, this article is for you. So, without further adieu, let us go through our list of angle grinder accessories and attachments you can easily find in India.
1. Angle Grinder Stand: This is a simple yet useful attachment for an angle grinder. It securely holds your angle grinder giving you better control of the grinder. You can use these grinder stands with the popular 4, 4.5, and 5 inches Angler Grinders as well. With better grip and control, your grinder becomes a mini saw. In addition, the stand helps increase the cutting precision of the grinder while cutting rods and tubings. However, there is a limitation that adding a Grinder Stand causes. It limits the cutting reach of the 4-inch angle grinder to 1 inch, and there is a need for constant re-clamping if you need to cut more. Even so, it increases both safety and precision while using the tool.
2. Angle Grinder Drill Attachment: Drilling is a day-to-day task in homes. This Drill Chuck attachment can turn your grinder into a handy drilling machine. You will need an adapter to mount the drill bit to the angle grinder. However, your drill bits must be able to withstand the torque produced by the angle grinder. It is so because drill bits are made with the specifications of drilling machines in mind, while angle drillers rotate at least double the velocity of the drilling machines. So, even while angle grinders give you an option to drill a hole down that wall, a drilling machine remains a safer option to do that. But if your drill bit is strong enough, there is nothing stopping you from turning that grinder into a driller.
3. Angle Grinder Wire Cup Brush: A wire cup brush is a cup-shaped brush attachment. It is a helpful attachment for your Angle Grinder if you work too often with metals. It can be used for preparing a metal surface, removing welding splatters and rust, blending edges, roughening adhesion, removing paint, and cleaning.
There are usually two varieties of a wire cup brush – Crimped wire brush and Knotted wire brush. Crimped cups with an integral shift are available in 1.75 inches to 2.75 inches; with an arbor whole, the size availability is 3 to 6 inches. Knotted cups also come in similar sizes, with a max going up to 6 inches. Crimped cups are more suitable for less aggressive jobs, while knotted cups are better performers in more demanding jobs.
4.Angle Grinder Buffing Wheel: A buffing wheel is a wheel-shaped attachment used for buffing and polishing purposes. Angle grinder buffing wheels are made of different materials. One should choose the material depending upon the surface one wants to buff. Its main applications are metal cleaning by removing surface contaminants from a metallic surface.
Angle Grinders with buffing wheel attachment are often used by people to polish car surfaces as well. However, an angle grinder with adjustable RPMs is more suited to such a job as an angle grinder rotates at 8000-9000 RPM, which can even wear off the paint from the car.
5.Angle Grinder Chain Saw: Angle Grinder chain saw attachment is very popular among angle grinder owners. It can help in cutting wood just like any normal gasoline chain Saw. Even though a small angle grinder chain saw can cut, using a chain saw attachment with a 4 to 5-inch angle grinder might not be as efficient. There can be overheating issues. It is a perfect solution, however, for smaller tasks. For longer duration tasks or cutting a large block of timber, a bigger angle grinder provides increased efficiency. Still, it is a cheaper solution compared to buying common electric chain saws. Also, It is much lighter and a hell of a lot less noisy.
Angle grinders can perform various tasks with the help of a few attachments. The above given is a list of angle grinder attachments we love. Do not worry if this doesn't contain something you need because this is just a small list of the endless possibilities offered by the world of Angle Grinder attachments. If you have a task at hand, there is always something an angle grinder with a suitable attachment can do for you.
Feel free to Contact Us if you have any questions, need more information or if you are interested in purchasing Angle Grinder or Angle Grinder Attachments. Tejwala Engineering Company is an industrial tool distributor based out of Madhya Pradesh.
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